Cultural Heritage Management Plans – Professional Outputs 2015

Professional Outputs 2015

Cultural Heritage Management Plans

Anderson, W., Negus Cleary, M., 2015. Ballarat North Wastewater Treatment Plant Pipeline to Ballarat Grammar School Farm, Mount Rowan CHMP 13368. Report to Central Highland Water.

Anderson, W., Oataway, K., Kucera, P., Negus Cleary, M., 2015. Mernda South Primary School, Mernda CHMP 13445. Report to Department of Education.

Clark, V., Flemming, K., Filihia, M., Oataway, K., Kucera, P., 2015. Dargo Region Mineral Exploration Licences EL 5495 and 5422 CHMP 13299. Report to One Corporation Pty Ltd.

Clark, V., Noble, A., Flemming, K., Anderson, W., 2015. Shared Use Path, Mullum Mullum Park, Donvale CHMP 10416. Report to Parks Victoria.

Filihia, M., Scibilia, J., Kucera, P., 2015. Point Cook South P-9 Proposed School Site CHMP 13442. Report to Department of Education.

Kiddell, H., 2015. Citylink Tulla Widening Melrose Drive, Airport West- APAC Drive, Melbourne Airport CHMP 13446. Report to Vic Roads.

Kiddell, H., Clark, V., 2015. Citylink-Tulla Widening – Bulla Road, Essendon North –

Melrose Drive, Airport West CHMP 13446. Report to Vic Roads. Minos, R., Clark, V.,

Oataway, K., 2015. Princes Highway East Duplication Fulham- Stage 2 CHMP
13494. Report to VicRoads.

Oataway, K., Anderson, W., Kucera, P., 2015. Mernda Central P-12 Proposed School Site, Mernda CHMP 13444. Report to Department of Education and Training.

Oataway, K., Anderson, W., Kucera, P., 2015. Proposed Distribution Centre Development, Lyndhurst CHMP 13416. Taras Nominees Pty Ltd.

Oataway, K., Minos, R., 2015. Connolly Avenue Pedestrian Bridge De Chene Reserve, Coburg CHMP 13128. Report to Moreland City Council


Aboriginal Site Surveys and Excavation Reports

Anderson, W., 2015. Hanging Rock East Grounds – Archaeological Excavations at VAHR 7823-0311 Hanging Rock. Report to Macedon Range Shire Council

Filihia, M., Kucera, P., Flemming, K., 2015. Old Mail Road, Road Rehabilitation Works Stage 9 – Yelta and Wargan. Report to Mildura City Council.

Minos, R., Oataway, K., Filihia, M., Clark, V., 2015. Lyndhurst Inland Port and Industrial Hub: Stage 2. Archaeological Excavations at Lyndhurst Inland Port 6, VAHR 7921-1151. Report to Salta Properties Pty Ltd.

Oataway, K., Minos, R., 2015. Lyndhurst Inland Port and Industrial Hub: Stage One, Lyndhurst. Report to Salta Properties Pty Ltd.

Scibilia, J., Anderson, W., 2015. Princes Highway East Duplication, Fulham – Archaeological Salvage Works at Fulham 1 (VAHR 8231-0452) and Fulham Dam IA (VAHR 8221-0214). Report to VicRoads.

Scibilia, J., Kiddell, H., 2015. Atherstone North-West Housing Stage 1 Residential Development Melton South. Surface Artefact Collection at Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Places Atherstone North 1 7822-3512, Atherstone North 2 7822-3513, Atherstone North 3 7822-3515, and Melton Sewerage Upgrade AS1 7822-2219. Report to Lendlease.

Scibilia, J., Kucera, P., Filihia, M., Kiddell, H., 2015. Toolern Creek Melton South: Archaeological surface collection and excavation of VAHR 7822-3328. Report to Lendlease.

Watson, B., 2015. Old Mail Road and Wallpolla Creek, north-west Victoria. Report to Powercor Australia Ltd.

Watson, B., Kucera, P., 2015. Calder Highway/Calder Alternative Highway Interchange Ravenswood: Cultural Heritage Management Plan 12884. Report to VicRoads

Historical Archaeology Reports

Filihia, M., Kucera, P., 2015. Dargo Region Mineral Exploration Licences EL 5495 and 5422 – Historical Report. Report to One Corporation Pty Ltd.

Scibilia, J., Watson, B., Clark, V., 2015. Historical Archaeological Investigation of Calder Highway/ Calder Alternative Highway interchange Ravenswood, HV Project 4434. Report to VicRoads.


Due Diligence Reports

Anderson, W., Clark, V., Flemming, K., Kiddell, H., Oataway, K., Petkov, J., 2015. New Schools Public- Private Partnership Project – Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Due Diligence Report. Report to Department of Education.

Anderson, W., Clark, V., Flemming, K., Kiddell, H., Oataway, K., Petkov, J., 2015. New Schools Public- Private Partnership Project Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Due Diligence Report. Report to Department of Education, AECOM.

Anderson, W., Kiddell, H., 2015. Proposed Mill Park Lakes East Primary School Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Due Diligence Report. Report to Department of Education.

Clark, V., Filihia, M., 2015. Carrum Sewer Pipeline, Valetta Street, Carrum Cultural Heritage Due Diligence Report. Report to Fulton Hogan Delplant Beca.Clark, V.,

Filihia, M., 2015. Koo Wee Rup Rising Main, Charles Street, Koo Wee Rup, Cultural Heritage Due Diligence Report. Report to Fulton Hogan Delplant Beca.Clark, V.,

Filihia, M., 2015. Northern Highway, Elmore to Rochester Ch 161.9 km to 173.3 km Road Safety Infrastructure Project Cultural Heritage Due Diligence Assessment. Report to VicRoads.

Clark, V., Flemming, K., 2015. Bendigo- Murchison Road Ch 47.50-50.0km Safer Roads Infrastructure Project. Report to VicRoads.

Clark, V., Flemming, K., 2015. Rushworth-Tatura Road Ch 0.4-4km Safer Roads Infrastructure Project. Report to VicRoads.

Clark, V., Oataway, K., Filihia, M., 2015. Northern Highway, Ladys Pass Ch 117.4km to 123.4km Road
Safety Infrastructure Project Cultural Heritage Due Diligence Assessment. Report to VicRoads.

Clark, V., Scibilia, J., Kucera, P., 2015. Bridge Rehabilitation Project, Murray Valley Highway, Ch. 28.150 km – Ch. 28.315 km. Report to VicRoads.

Clark, V., Scibilia, J., Watson, B., 2015. Midland Highway, Section 3 Ch 16.4 km to Ch 22.0 km Road Safety Infrastructure Project Cultural Heritage Due Diligence Assessment. Report to VicRoads.

Flemming, K., Kiddell, H., Oataway, K., 2015. Proposed Department of Education and Training School Sites Historic Heritage Due Diligence Report. Report to Department of Education and AECOM.

Flemming, K., Oataway, K., 2015. Subdivision at 8 Browning Street, Kingsbury. Cultural Heritage Due
Diligence Assessment. Report to Francesco and Annunziata Parisi.

Kiddell, H., Oataway, K., Clark, V., 2015. Citylink Tulla Widening Dynon Road to Moreland Road.
Report to Vic Roads.

Kiddell, H, Scibilia, J, 2015. Citylink Tulla Widening Dynon Road to the Tunnel. Report to Vic Roads.

Kucera, P., Clark, V., 2015. 340 Melrose Drive, Tullamarine, Victoria 3043. Cultural Heritage Due Diligence Report for Mr Adrian De Agostino and CDR Geotechnical & Environmental Services Pty Ltd.

Oataway, K., Kiddell, H., Flemming, K., 2015. Proposed Department of Education and Training School Sites – Historic Heritage Due Diligence Report. Report to Department of Education and Training.

Scibilia, J., 2015. 211 Beaconsfield Parade, Middle Park Cultural Heritage Assessment. Report to JAM Architects.

Watson, B., 2015. Gisborne-Kilmore Road, Mullaly’s Road and Mt Eliza Road, Ch 16.290 km Intersection Treatment Works Cultural Heritage Due Diligence Assessment. Report to VicRoads.

Watson, B., Clark, V., 2015. McKenzie Street Community Facility 7 and 10 McKenzie Street and 12 Smith Street, Melton. Report to Melton City Council.

Watson, B., Kucera, P., Negus Cleary, M., 2015. Bridge Rehabilitation Project, Pyrenees Highway (Sec 2) Ch 1.65 km – 2.15 km Castlemaine Cultural Heritage Due Diligence Assessment. Report to VicRoads.


Kucera, P., Filihia, M., Scibilia, J., 2015. Revisiting Toolern Creek, Melton South: New perspectives from recent investigations of Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Register place ‘Atherstone South 6’, Excavations, Surveys, and Heritage Management in Victoria, 4: 27-34.


Kucera, P., Filihia, M., Scibilia, J., 2015. Revisiting Toolern Creek, Melton South: New perspectives from recent investigations of ‘Atherstone South 6’, VAHR 7822-3328, Victoria Archaeology Colloquium 2015, Institute for Advanced Study La Trobe University.

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