Professional Outputs 2017
Cultural Heritage Management Plans
Anderson, W, Flemming, K, Clark, V, 2017. Palmers Road Corridor (Western Freeway, Ravenhall, To
Calder Freeway, Keilor North): Desktop, standard and complex assessment report. CHMP
12662. Report to VicRoads.
Anderson, W., Kucera, P., Watson, B., Crooks, S., 2017. Northern Highway Overtaking Lane Project
(Site A) Ch. 180.9km to 182.5km Rochester CHMP 14987. Report to VicRoads.
Cole, J., Watson, B., 2017. Sri Subramaniyar Temple 90 Soldiers Road, Pakenham South CHMP 14635.
Report to Sri Subramaniyar Temple Pty Ltd.
Crooks, S., Anderson, W., Kucera, P., Watson, B., 2017. Northern Highway Overtaking Lane Project
(Site B) Ch. 190.6km to 192.6km Rochester CHMP 15264. Report to Vic Roads.
Morrison, W., 2017. Residential Development 86-92 Springvale Road CHMP 15097. Report to
Watson, B., Negus Cleary, M., Morrison, W., 2017. Yan Yean Road Duplication Plenty and Yarrambat
CHMP 14387. Report to VicRoads.
Aboriginal Site Surveys and Excavation Reports
Watson, B, 2017. Excavations at Toolern Creek, Melton South Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Register
Place 7822-3728. Report to Lendlease.
Historical Archaeology Reports
Negus Cleary, M., Kucera, P., Morrison, W., 2017. Heritage Documentation; 9 Sale-Heyfield Road,
Fulham (former Junction Hotel and Fulham Post Office). Report to Armitage Jones.
Shanahan, F., Negus Cleary, M., 2017. Queen Street Precinct: Review of Archaeological Potential for
H7822-1024 and H7822-1025. Report to Armitage Jones
Due Diligence Reports
Anderson, W, Kucera, P, 2017. Holmes Road, Moonee Ponds Craigieburn Line Level Crossing
Removal. Report to AECOM-GHD JV and LXRP.
Anderson, W, Kucera, P, 2017. Macaulay Road, Kensington Craigieburn Line Level Crossing Removal.
Report to AECOM-GHD JV and LXRP.
Anderson, W., Kucera, P, 2017. Park Street, Moonee Ponds Craigieburn Line Level Crossing Removal.
Report to AECOM-GHD JV and LXRP.
Anderson, W, Kucera, P, Kiddell, H, 2017. Calder Highway-Yeungroon Road Intersection Upgrade,
Charlton, Central Victoria. Report to VicRoads.
Anderson, W, Kucera, P, Kiddell, H, 2017. Donald-Swan Hill Road and Birchip-Corack Road
Intersection Upgrade, Central Victoria. Report to VicRoads.
Anderson, W, Watson, B, Kucera, P, 2017. Northern Highway Overtaking Lanes Construction
between Rochester and Echuca. Report to VicRoads.
Anderson, W, Watson, B, Kucera, P, 2017. Northern Highway Pavement Rehabilitation North of
Rochester, Victoria. Report to VicRoads.
Clark, V, Flemming, K, Petkov, J, 2017. Optus Fibre Network Beaconsfield-Emerald Road,
Beaconsfield and Guys Hill, Victoria. Report to Ecosure.
Cole, J, Watson, B, 2017. Boort-Charlton Rd, Boort CH. 0.430km to 1.520km Road Rehabilitation
Project. Report to VicRoads.
Flemming, K, Kiddell, H, 2017. Robinvale-Sea Lake Road, Robinvale Ch. 0280km to 1.920km Road
Rehabilitation Project. Report to VicRoads.
Haas, M, Kucera, P, 2017. Calder Highway Overtaking Lanes, Chainage 177-179.3km and 173-
175.5km, Central Victoria. Report to VicRoads.
Haas, M, Kucera, P, 2017. Northern Highway, Ballendella Proposed Pipeline Extension. Report to
Ward Bros.
Haas, M, Ricketts, S, 2017. Murray Valley Highway: Five Intersection Upgrades between Echuca and
Wyuna. Report to VicRoads.
Kiddell, H, Petkov, J, 2017. Optus Fibre Network Dockers Plains, Victoria. Report to Ecosure.
Kucera, P, Anderson, W, Kiddell, H, 2017. Hattah-Robinvale Road and Robinvale-Sea Lake road
Intersection Upgrade, Bannerton, northwest Victoria. Report to VicRoads
Kucera, P, Kiddell, H, 2017. Intersection Upgrade Works: Calder Highway and Baileys Road. Report to
Kucera, P, Kiddell, H, 2017. Intersection Upgrade Works: Patchewollock-Sea Lake Rd and Calder
Highway. Report to VicRoads.
Morrison, W, Watson, B, 2017. Bridgewater-Maldon Road Ch. 21.960km to 22.290km Road
Rehabilitation Project. Report to VicRoads.
Shanahan, F, 2017. Edgars Creek Pedestrian Bridge. Report to Pitt & Sherry.
Watson, B, 2017. Seymour – Tooborac Road Hume Freeway Northbound Exit Ramp Intersection
Roundabout Construction and Road Works. Report to VicRoads.