Green Tent Rd (Historical Site Excavations)

During 2010 archaeological excavations conducted along the Midland Highway in Meredith uncovered the remains of a bluestone structure thought to relate to a temporary goldrush settlement referred to as ‘Green Tent’. The remains formed a distinct hexagonal shape and involved a raised bluestone floor above undressed stone and broken glass. The site was investigated and discussed in relation to number of possible functions including a toll-gate/house operating from the 1860s, a kitchen or mill associated to known homesteads within the area, or the Green Tent Hotel which burnt down in 1862.

Project Manager:Jasmine Scibilia
Project Type:Historical Site Excavations
Activity:Water Pipeline Installation
Client:Barwon Water Alliance


Scibilia, J and H. Kiddell, 2011. “Archaeological Investigation of Green Tent Rd, Bluestone Foundations, VHI H7722-0070 and Lal Lal Road Bluestone and Wood Ruins VHI H7722-0071.” Report prepared for Barwon Water Alliance. HV Project No. 3753.

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