Old Bridge Inn, Mernda

In 2015, the Level Crossing Removal Authority (LXRA) commissioned Dr Vincent Clark & Associates to carry out cultural heritage investigations for the Mernda Rail Extension Project. Although the site of the Old Bridge Inn (Victorian Heritage Inventory site H7922-0374) was outside of the area being affected by the railway extension, Heritage Victoria and LXRA agreed […]
Point Cook P-9 School (CHMP)

Point Cook is one of the most rapidly growing suburbs of Melbourne. The proposed development of a P-9 school at this site in Point Cook led to the preparation of a voluntary Cultural Heritage Management Plan. The site is located in an area that was formerly surrounded by salt marshes and swamps rich in resources […]
Ravenswood Interchange (CHMP)

A Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) was prepared in 2014 for the new Ravenswood Interchange on the southern outskirts of Bendigo. Field investigations resulted in the registration of 23 Aboriginal places, including 21 lithic artefact deposits, four scarred trees and one earth feature. A number of these sites consist of large concentrations of subsurface cultural […]
The Stork Hotel (Historical Site Excavations)

Dr Vincent Clark and Associates conducted excavations at three adjoining properties on the corner of Elizabeth Street and Therry Street in the Melbourne CBD. The buildings, one of which was the iconic Stork Hotel, were earmarked for demolition prior to the construction of a multi-storey residential development. The Stork was established at the time of […]
Toolern Creek Bridge, Atherstone (CHMP & Salvage Excavations)

The construction of a new bridge across Toolern Creek, south of Melton, triggered a series of archaeological investigations on the banks of this waterway. The study focused especially on a large cultural deposit that extends across the wide flat to the west of the creek. Initially 178 stone artefacts made from silcrete, quartz and quartzite […]
Trawalla Aboriginal Excavations

At Trawalla, near Beaufort in Pyrenees Shire, excavations in 2011-12 along the Western Highway located large Aboriginal occupation areas on alluvial banks beside Mount Emu Creek. Material culture found here includes flaked and ground stone tools, ochre and the remnants of hearths, which may have been used for the treatment of wood and animal hides. […]
Wesley Place

Dr Vincent Clark & Associates have been the primary consultants investigating and managing the historical and Aboriginal cultural heritage on-site for the Wesley Place project. The project will see the construction of two new high-rise commercial towers, the renovation and rejuvenation of the 157-year old Wesley Church and associated buildings, and the creation of public […]
Mount Alexander Aboriginal sites survey

An archaeological survey in 2012 investigated Mount Alexander (Lanjanuc), near Castlemaine, to locate and document Aboriginal sites as part of Parks Victoria’s management of the area. Sites were found to be concentrated on the summit, upper ridges and escarpments of the hill, especially around granite outcrops and boulders. The distribution reflects routes of movement and […]
Mernda Central P-12 School (CHMP)

The proposed development of Mernda Central P-12 School led to a CHMP which was completed in early 2015. The Mernda district, west of Plenty River, is being rapidly developed for housing, but it is also the location of numerous Aboriginal cultural sites, notably scarred trees. One scarred tree had been previously recorded within the activity […]
Lyndhurst (Salvage Excavation)

Large-scale industrial developments in Lyndhurst, Victoria have led to a number of cultural heritage investigations since 2009. Lyndhurst is located within the Cranbourne Sands along the edges of the Carrum Swamp, an area of high significance for Aboriginal sites. A programme of salvage excavations, which combined manual and mechanical techniques, documented an extensive deposit of […]